We are the group that will accelerate your business to the next level.

Shunsuke Morii,   AsaB Founder

The Team

Shunsuke Morii
Founder & CEO
Founded multiple businesses in college, later establishing LIBASE Inc., which was acquired to United Inc. in 2021. Subsequently, founded Teracy and AsaB Inc., serving as Founder & CEO for both.
在学中に起業し、複数事業を立ち上げ売却。2社目として株式会社リベイスを創業し、2021年6月に東証グロース市場上場のユナイテッド株式会社に売却。3社目としてTeracy株式会社、4社目として、AsaB株式会社を創業しFounder & CEOを務める。